Home > dotnetjunkies > ASP.NET 505 Error and other troubles and fixes.

ASP.NET 505 Error and other troubles and fixes.

Spend a couple of hours fixing windows,

couldnt start a new web project in vs.net 2003 so I reinstall iis and the windows installer ask for staxmem.dll missing,there is a issue here fixed it with

(enter following in command line)
esentutl /p %windir%\security\database\secedit.sdb
click ok and follow the prompts
after this i was able to install IIS without the staxmem.dll errors etc.

I wanted to follow up some stuff I was doing on visual studio 2003 and things get worse.Blame me I had shut down most of the services in the service manager well that was a habit some time anyway classic asp too does not work so I turn of the friendly errors in IE settings then I run http://localhost/localstart.asp still no go,I cant remember the order in which I have to start the services.I finally start some,you have to set some of them to automatic and well I restarted windows,some people actually went in for a format.That was because the 505 error thing , well the Component Services was throwing some errors.I finally nailed it to


I was getting
Check Event Log!
Check your Event Viewer for these errors…
MSDTC errors (4427,4691,4135 are common error events for this)
W3SVC Event 36 “The server failed to load application ‘/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/’. The error was ‘Class not registered”

Of Course Try these First…
At the command line type “sfc /scannow” (have your XP CD in the CD drive)
Reinstall Service Pack 1 for Windows XP
Try uninstalling IIS then reinstalling it

How to Fix it! (if nothing else can!)
Open “Control Panel” and then “Administrative Tools” then Open “Services”…
Locate the “Distributed Transaction Coordinator” make sure the process is “Started” and “Automatic”
(If its not, open a command line and type “msdtc -install”, then try and start the service)
Open a command line and type the following…
    cd %windir%\system32\inetsrv
rundll32 wamreg.dll, CreateIISPackage (NOTE: “CreateIISPackage” must be typed exactly; it is case-sensitive.)
regsvr32 asptxn.dll (wait for a dialog box to notify you asptxn has registered correctly)
Open “Control Panel” then “Component Services”…

C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv>rundll32 wamreg.dll, CreateIISPackage  regsvr32 asptxn.dll

ASP Pages should now be working!!!
If ASP Pages are still not working, Uninstall your antivirus software, and repeat steps.


Well sometimes this applies to asp.net

Finally some googing and thanks to brooksyounce’s help and screen shot i could understand the apparent missing things…

The VS7.x(Visual Studio 2002 Visual Studio 2003) Debugger doesn’t work. What can I do? By Min Kwan Park for handy reference

Categories: dotnetjunkies
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