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Uninstall the Game Bar

Open PowerShell as administrator

Uninstall the Game Bar:

Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay | Remove-AppxPackage
  1. Disable the game recorder software :
reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\GameDVR /f /t REG_DWORD /v "AppCaptureEnabled" /d 0
reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\System\GameConfigStore /f /t REG_DWORD /v "GameDVR_Enabled
Categories: Windows

Command to update pip and chocolatey on windows

pip install --upgrade pip
choco upgrade chocolatey
Categories: Tools

How to install multiple versions of Adobe Acrobat XI and DC together and how to force it to use GPU ?

Old versions of programs may have old code and later version fix the issues.This does not mean that old and new version cannot run together. Adobe Acrobat reader is not a large program compared to complicated installs where two version on the same computer running Windows OS will cause multiple issues due to incompatibly of dll’s and shared components.

#1. get the mui version from

NOTE: this download AcroRdrDCx642400120604_MUI.exe which is a 530 MB file.You need to unzip this exe using 7zip and go to the folder that is created. Then you need to get super ocra msi editor and edit the AcroPro.msi found in the folder. You need to drop the check for new or old version and condition check tables in the msi editor and save it.Then run the msi. This will install the latest version. Note that this may uninstall older version silently and cause open older version to crash if open.

After it is installed the shortcut on the desktop need to be modified as below

D:\(your location) \Acrobat\Acrobat.exe –disable-gpu-sandbox –gpu-startup-dialog

PS: The location of the install may wary.

This should force GPU usage , you can change the adobe reader options to make it better as needed for many of the options.

Also if you have a GPU laucher you can adjust some settings.

OLDER VERION:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\   (AdbeRdr11010_en_US.exe)

USE CASE / WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO DO THIS ? : The use of GPU can increase the render time that the images of PDF scans can be rendered on larger displays etc. The images are painted on the screen based on render and reload logic somewhere. There is not much buffering and caching as such taking place. So this could be the best you can get.

Results may vary based on you PDF content and what is inside, since only you can test your pdf unlike other programs. Since you are limited by what ever code the program does to process and render the PDF.

Quoting a user from the web

PDF Renderers do the painting usually in "user space" and send the pixels to the graphics card at the time you are scrolling, without having a buffer in the card. Therefore they are much more prone to small hickups. Also there are often elements in PDFs that just take some time to render because there are e.g. a lot of tiny lines in a small space of the PDF or high resulution images that need to be downscaled while you scroll, or compressed PDFs that have to be decrompressed when you reach the compressed pages and a myriad of other things.

For window explorer PDF thumbnail rendering

NOTE: You need to have AdbeRdr11010_en_US.exe installed. The above program creates a PDF service to create a tumbnail cache of PDFs. in a folder.

Categories: Tools


An up-to-date Chromium-based web browser compatible with Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 7 and 8.x.

The Supermium web browser also provides the following features:

-Aero Glass and Aero Glass-style titlebars instead of Windows 10-style ones (#force-xp-theme in chrome://flags for the latter)

-Turnaround for major vulnerability patches generally less than one week from upstream disclosure

-A functional sandbox for enhanced security

-Google Sync

-On Windows 7 and up, Widevine CDM support for viewing DRM content

-GDI font rendering, using #force-gdi in chrome://flags

-Persistent dark mode on the browser’s UI elements, using #force-dark-mode in chrome://flags

-Custom tab options including trapezoidal tabs, transparent tabs, and outlined tabs

-Many flags from ungoogled-chromium

-Support for SSE2-only processors in the 32 bit build

Future support for:

-Windows 2000

-Ungoogled Chromium features (in progress)

-WebGPU for D3D9 renderer

-Manifest V2 (once removed by Google)

…and more! If there’s a feature you want, which cannot be replicated by a Manifest v2/v3 extension, please ask!

Categories: Programming

How to remove old printer drivers ?


printui /s /t2

Categories: Programming

Nearby Share App – Android to Windows PC File Transfer


Transfer photos, videos, documents, audio files or entire folders between your Android device and Windows desktops and laptops

Categories: Android, Tools, Windows

Windows 11 Thumbnail Cache Location

The thumbnail cache .db files for each user is located in the hidden folder below.


Categories: Windows

Windows Security – Ease of Access Center

Windows has something called Ease of Access Center.

And couple of executables associated with it.


1.Navigate to C:\Windows\System32

2.Find UTILMAN.EXE 3.Right Click, then Properties

4.Security, Advanced, Permissions (Continue)

5.Change the owner at the top from "TrustedInstaller" to "Administrators" (ensure you have and Administrator account)

6.Add a permission, and then click Select a "Principal"

7.Type in "Everyone", Check Names, then OK

8.Change type to "Deny" and "Full Control"

9.Click OK, then Log Out.

Bypass Windows Logons with the Utilman.exe


Categories: Programming

PowerShell Email List of Active TCP IP Netstat Connections – Monitor Connections

Are you looking to periodically monitor a server having client connections like oracle clients , you can use PowerShell to do the same and use task manager to schedule the script and email you the results periodically, this can help you understand who all are connecting to your server. This script resolves the ip address to hostname using

$IPsNames = @{}

$GetCon = Get-NetTCPConnection

$hn = $GetCon | select -expand RemoteAddress  | sort –Unique

foreach ( $IPs in $hn ) {
     try   { $rrtx = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostbyAddress($IPs).HostName }
    catch { $rrtx = ‘???’ }
    $IPsNames[ $IPS ] = $rrtx

### $IPsNames

for ( $i = 0; $i -lt $GetCon.Count; $i++ ) {
    $aux = $IPsNames[ $GetCon[$i].RemoteAddress ]
    $GetCon[$i] | Add-Member -NotePropertyName urls -NotePropertyValue $aux

$GetCon | Format-Table –Property

LocalAddress,LocalPort,RemoteAddress,RemotePort,State,OwningProcess,  urls -AutoSize | Out-File C:\Temp\TCPConn.txt

$HTMLmessage =  Get-Content  -Path C:\Temp\TCPConn.txt –Raw

$SMTPServer1 = ""

$EmailFrom =

$EmailTo =

$password = Get-Content ‘C:\scripts\pwd.txt’ | ConvertTo-SecureString

$cred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential  -argumentlist $EmailFrom, $password


Send-MailMessage -From $EmailFrom -To $EmailTo -Subject $Sub –SmtpServer

$SMTPServer1 -Credential $cred -UseSsl -Port 587 -Body $HTMLmessage

For secure password for emails please read

GetHostbyAddress is obsolete but at the time of writing this works

Categories: Powershell, Programming

Logitech QuickCam Orbit AF Windows 10 20H2 Driver 2021

If you still have your old trusty Logitech QuickCam Orbit AF from 2009 in 2021 and the future

If you just download and install the Logitech Webcam Software 2.80.853.0 (ENU) old drivers from

There are chances that the drivers and the PTZ control part may not get installed and initially windows would use its own low grade driver to just give you the camera function.

You can try windows update and see if optional updates come up for hardware and you can see it there.

Else you should be able to pick it up from below and try you luck



Categories: Tools